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tv   Special Report With Bret Baier  FOX News  March 21, 2012 6:00pm-7:00pm EDT

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>> bret: the president doubles down on solar power at a company getting federal help with very few full-time employees. this is "special report." ♪ ♪ >> bret: good evening. i'm bret baier. president obama began a campaign style four-state energy tour. trying to pump up support for energy policy that takes new abuse with each day's pump price hike. gasoline shot up 2 cents a gallon overnight and the national average is $3.86. almost 30 cents a gallon higher than a month ago. crude oil jumped $1.20 a barrel. the energy report on the day, a bit of the old and a lot of the new. >> the largest solar power plant of its kind.
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30 panels, outside las vegas. perfect spot for president obama to insist he is doubling down on the federal taxpayer involvement. despite the high profile failures like solyndra. >> bret: a member of congress that shall remain unnamed called the jobs phony. the guys were around when columbus set sail. they would be charter member of the flat earth society. >> solar company fuel with dozen full-time staffers. more jobs of 200 proposed plant goes through. there are questions about the electricity output, too. the plant cranks out 50 megawatts per hour to power 17,000 homes. a typical coal fired power plant can produce 600 megawatts an hour. seven times the electricity. president says this is one piece of the all of the above approach and declare he is won't back down on pouring in taxpayer money. >> the former member of the
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flat earth society would rather see us continue to provide $4 billion many tax subsidy to oil companies. $4 billion to industry that is making record profits. >> republican presidential candidate newt gingrich said today, the oil tax breaks are dwarfed, to money going to renewables like algae. >> solyndra, an interesting left wing ideas which works theoretically as long as it's not real. then you put in a half billion dollars and say oh, that didn't work. >> the president is greeted on the four state with a two-day tour with an ad by the crossroads gps to hit him on high gas prices. >> obama personally lobbied to kill a pipeline from canada. >> yesterday, steven chu said he deserves an a-minus. >> i give myself higher since i became secretary of energy.
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i'm doing everything i can to get long-term solutions. >> a nod to solyndra the president said some companies and tomorrow they will have a small part of the keystone pipeline from oklahoma to the gulf. republicans say it's not enough. bret? >> bret: ed henry, traveling with the president. thank you. one of the foundations on which the president builds energy policy is disparity between how much americans use and what we have. last night we heard it again when i interviewed one of his top advisors. >> we have 2% of the world oil and we use 20% of the world's oil. >> tonight, jim angle looks at whether the conventional wisdom is true. >> in almost every energy, president obama makes the same statement. >> we have 2% of the world oil reserve. we use 20%.
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>> it's accurate, but extremely misleading. what he is talking about is the oil that we already have found. >> misleading because the president is pointing to proven reserves which is some $21 billion became -- 21 billion-barrels but the u.s. is on vast reserve of untapped energy far greater. one agency says there are 00 billion-barrels in technically recoverable. another industry says there are 20 times that much. some in the industry say there is 60 times that amount, meaning 1.4 trillion-barrels in untapped resources. energy the government knows we have, which is not yet drilled for. industry experts say it's there for the taking. >> the trillion plus barrels of oil in this country, more oil than in saudi arabia, is not counted by the president. i think that is misleading for the american people. >> 200 years of the amount of
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oil we use today without any import. if you add canada and new mexico, the numbers are off the chart. >> some don't think we should be drilling more. no question about that. how do we get off the addiction? >> the president says we should wean ourselves off of oil. >> i couldn't think that it is a good decision for this country. simply to push for the maximum drilling. >> the president uses proven reserves to argue for more oil because it could never be enough to meet the needs. >> as much as we're doing to increase oil production, we are not going to just drill our way out of the problem of high gas prices. >> some of us believe the president is trying to say we don't have the accurate resources in the united states, which is not true.
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>> analysts note that the proven reserves were 20 billion-barrels in 1944. we produced 170-barrels since then. industry experts say if we were to tap more american oil along with the canadian resources and renewable energy, the u.s. could be self-sufficient in 12 years. >> bret: amazing. more on this with the panel. thank you. home sales were down a bit in february, but still up 13% over the last july. the median sales price rose last month for the first time in four months. stocks were mixed. dow lost 45.5. s&p 500 dropped 3. nasdaq gained one. inspector general of the army is conducting review of mental health facilities to determine if psychiatrist overturn diagnosis of the post dramatic stress disorder to save money. it comes in the wake of the afghan civilian massacre blamed on robert bales.
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hillary clinton is trying to distance the u.s. from the killings. >> it does not represent who the united states is. who the american people are. we appreciate the response of the government and the afghan people. >> senior new york city police official say 13 people with ties to iran have been interviewed after taking pictures of landmarks. iran supreme leader is trying to stop them from attacking nuclear facilities. they said at a rally that iran will retaliate with equal force to any strike. french riot police are pressing for the sur render of a holed up gunman. the man is claiming allegiance to al-qaeda. greg palkot has the latest from france.
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good evening. >> this neighborhood of france has been thrown in to just about complete darkness. >> it occurred when militant holed up in a neighborhood of teluse surrounded by the antiriot police. he claims he has contact with al-qaeda. official reports say he spent time in terror training camp on the afghan-pakistan border. his cad callization was strength according to the french interior minister in two trips to afghanistan and pakistan. most importantly he claimed he was responsible for brutal killing of rabbi and three children at a jewish school. shooting death last week of three soldiers at point-blank range. they were remembered today at memorial by french president sarkozy. >> the target of the killings
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was the french army, he said. we will never give up regardless of any violence they do to us. also today is remembered the dead from the school. the bodies were flown for burial from israel. the gunman left clues and police cornered him overnight. shots were exchanged. police were injured which led to the lengthy negotiations. officials said they want him alive, but mostly they want the terror spree over. >> suspect said several times he would like to surrender and then changed his mind. time for talking would appear to be just about finished. bret? >> bret: greg palkot following the breaking story in france. greg, thank you. the u.s. is suspending efforts to recover remains of the thousands of fallen service members in north korea. it comes after the north announced plans to launch satellite in space. u.s. hopes to restart the process eventually. up next, the presidential race. and a bit later the wives of
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the candidates. we'll see what life is like for them. that brings us to our infinity sponsored text to vote question. they're all intriguing but which candidate has the most intriguing spouse? text sr1 to 36288 for gingrich. sr2 for ron paul. sr3 for mitt romney. and sr4 for rick santorum. we'll bring you results at the end of tonight's show. oh dear...
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oh dear! ohh dear... i'm not sure exactly what happened here last night.
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thank you for welcoming here. i don't think i've been here before. >> romney stretched the lead in the race to 1144 delegates and he now has 563. santorum 263. newt gingrich 135. and ron paul 50. mitt romney won the coveted endorsement of jeb bush and freedom works the conservative group that works with the tea party is committed to helping romney defeat the president. but santorum in louisiana that votes saturday got new ammunition for romney communication director who was asked if romney has been pushed too far to the right for the general election by his primary rivals. >> he hit a reset button for the fall campaign. everything changes. it's like an etch 'n' sketch.
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we shake it up and start over. >> santorum tweeted a photo of himself with an etch 'n' sketch studying romney's policy and slammed him as unworthy candidate. >> you are not looking for the etch 'n' sketch candidate. you have look for someone who writes what they believe in, with stone and stays true to what they say. >> told fox news he is describing how the race will be reset when the nomination is clinched. gingrich piled on romney as a serial flip-floper, too. >> you notice the pictures are not permanent. there is nothing locked down. you can redo it anytime you want. >> santorum aides showed up to pass out etch-a-sketch at the rally. romney brushed off the reporters' question and then assembled the press to clarify his spokesman remarks. >> campaign moves to becoming a general election campaign.
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the nature of the campaign itself in terms of the staff, funding. state we go to will be the campaign. the issues i'm running on will be the same. running as a conservative. i was a conservative governor and i'll -- when i'm president, the policies will be the same. >> the etch-a-sketch were a delicious distraction for the rivals. they are going to hang on to that when they are heading to louisiana. the etch-a-sketch controversy won't erase that. >> bret: shaking things up. thank you. santorum is pushing hard for a win in pennsylvania next month. chief congressional correspondent mike emanuel reports that the former senator is familiar to voters there. >> i come as a son of pennsylvania.
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someone who grew up in western pennsylvania. >> although rick santorum's home state doesn't vote until april 24. it's clear he is not taking pennsylvania for granted. even if early polls suggest he has a double digit lead over mitt romney. with 72 delegates at stake in the keystone state. santorum is counting on a win here. >> we are going to be back in pennsylvania. we're going to pick up a whole boatload of delegates and close the gap. on to victory. >> santorum is expected to be particularly strong in the south central, central and northwestern part of the state. while romney will do well in philadelphia, su pushes in the lehigh valley. much of the republican establishment including former governor tom ridge endorsed romney. others are sitting on the sideline. >> i think they are concerned in the general election rick santorum would have trouble defeating president obama in a state that obama won by 10 points over john mccain in 2008. >> in 2006, santorum suffered an 18-point loss to democrat bob casey in his bid for
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re-election to the senate, which may linker with the top g.o.p. officials here. yet, the candidate has dismissed the importance of v. i.p. support in the home state. >> i'm not the candidate of endorsement. i'm the candidate of the people across the country. they are the ones rising up. not establishment. >> those who endorse him say they respect his toughness and integrity. >> i encourage colleagues to take a second look at rick santorum and what he stands for, what his record is. what his principles are. the vision that he has for the country. >> one thing i know about rick santorum he is not going to quit. he doesn't give up or back down. >> romney come pain is not likely to back down here either. they are expected in an extensive ad blitz to remind them of the pro-choice republican turned democrat arlen specter over conservative pat toomey and continue attack on santorum's record. in gettysburg, pennsylvania, mike emanuel, fox news. >> still ahead, the women
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behind the men running for president. first, score one for the little guys against the epa. [ male announcer ] any technology not moving forward is moving backward. [ engine turns over, tires squeal ] introducing the lexus enform app suite -- available now on the all-new 2013 lexus gs. there's no going back. see your lexus dealer. and hello to "whoa, yum." use campbell's cream of chicken soup to make easy enchiladas, cheesy chicken & rice, and other chicken dishes that are campbell's. it's amazing what soup can do. fore! no matter what small business you are in, managing expenses seems to... get in the way. not anymore. ink, the small business card from chase introduces jot an on-the-go expense app made exclusively for ink customers. custom categorize your expenses anywhere. save time and get back to what you love.
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>> bret: the parents of an unarmed teenager shot to death by a neighborhood watch captain in florida are scheduled to participate in a protest march in new york. 17-year-old mar tip was killed last month. george zimmerman has not been charged in the death. justice department opened a civil rights probe and grand jury will consider evidence next month. the supreme court has come down on the side of an idaho couple. in their fight against the environmental protection agency. correspondent shannon bream has details.
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good evening. >> today's decision could give them fighting -- those fighting the epa a new weapon. they have initial permits and they started to press the land for construction. the epa showed up and told them the seemingly dry lot was a wetland. not only were they ordered to stop construction but told to return the lot to the original condition or they find a $75,000 a day. after they were denied an administrative hearing they tried to sue in federal court. but the epa argued the law didn't allow them to. today, the supreme court ruled that land owners do indeed have a right to challenge epa's findings in court. >> there are folks throughout this country who have been bullied by the epa and told you cannot use your property. you have to convert it to wetlands. you cannot get your day in court. for those folks today is a great victory, because they have an ability to fight back against the epa, against out
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of control agency. the ability to fight back to have their day in court. and have a judge decide the law. >> in response to the ruling, the epa said today it will, of course, fully comply with the supreme court decision, which the agency still reviewing. as we work to protect clean water for families and future generations by using tool provideed by congress to enforce the clean water act. today, mike sachet said he was overwhelmed by the win but acknowledged it's one of many steps that the couple will have to ache before breaking ground on what they call the dream home. today sends the dispute back to lower court to examine whether or not the epa rightly determined that the lot contains some kind of wetland. in the concurring opinion, justice alito wrote today's rule willing help landowners dance to the epa's tune, congress will have to clarify the clean water act to resolve the issue for good. bret? >> bret: active session for the court. >> it is. >> bret: thank you. federal reserve chairman
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ben bernanke says the u.s. banks could hold up if europe's debt crisis gets worse. bernanke who testified alongside treasury secretary tim geithner told lawmakers today the american system still remains exposed to europe's problems. speaking of europe, portugal was able to borrow $2 $2.5 billion of sharply lower prices today. good news for its debt reduction effort. greek lawmakers approve a new bail-out deal while hospital workers walked off the job for part of the day to protest austerity measures. the grapevine is next. and don't forget tonight's infinity sponsored text to vote question. which candidate has the most intriguing spouse? if you think it's newt gingrich, text sr1 to 36288. sr2 for ron paul. text sr3 for mitt romney. or sr4 for rick santorum. results a bit later.
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>> bret: actor robert di nero said he meant no offense when he joked that america might not be ready for a white first lady. at a presidential fundraiser he hosted featuring michelle obama. today he said they were spoken with a satirical jest. listed the wives of the presidential candidates saying callista gingrich, karen santorum and ann romney, do you think the country is ready for a white first lady?
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gingrich said the racial reference was inexcusable. and obama campaign official called the remark inappropriate. various news outlets put together their own audacious moments of the last five centuries in response to vice president joe biden's remarks at a fundraiser this week. vice president biden hailed president obama for the usama bin laden raid. "you can go back 500 years. you cannot find a more audacious plan." politico compiled plans it deemed arguably as audacious or more so including d-day, napolean's invasion of russia and the landing at inchian in the korean war. conservative "national review" noted 500 years is a long time. i'm sure all you history buffs throughout can think of another battle plan at least in the running to be more audacious than operation geronimo. finally, the federal government needs to be better about recycling. a new study by the government
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accountability office found only one-third of the federal workforce participates in a voluntary program that encourages agencies to dispose of their used electronics in a green way. estimates show across the federal government, 10,000 computers are discarded each week. ♪ >> bret: except when robert di nero talks most of the focus in presidential campaign is on the candidates. tonight we pull back the curtain a bit to look at the women behind the men. here is chief washington correspondent james rosen. >> you know, tomorrow is our anniversary. and we will have been married 43 years. so happy anniversary, swee sweetheart. >> this is their second go-around on the presidential campaign trail. ann romney told fox news things are different this time around. >> last time i was speaking i was doing fundraising, i was
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out doing my own event, too. but nobody noticed. >> any front-runner gets the lion share of the attention as well as the political clout. ann romney has been front and center. she has held a lot of town halls, a lot of campaign rallies and she is dynamite on the campaign trail. [ "happy birthday" ] >> carol paul is the most traditional political wife. often seen and almost never heard. >> when we decided to run, we knew there would be tough stories from the media. >> callista gingrich enjoyed a more visible role that might have been expected of the third wife of the former house speaker. political spouses have been enduring televised swings and arrows. >> ladies and gentlemen, please welcome the first lady of the united states, michelle obama. >> michelle obama is a major asset for the president. she goes out and she talks to different groups. political spouses are much more comfortable on the
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campaign trail than others and they take to it more naturally. >> karen santorum steers a middle course, subjected to unwelcome scrutiny, she continues to look after her and rick santorum's seven children bowcationmly addressed voters directly. >> rick is a real passion for the federal regulation, taxes and the list of burden -- to lift burdens on companies. >> when the media leaves our house, a political spouse said more mundane matters resurface. what do you have going on with the kids? what is on the schedule? that spouse was todd palin. james rosen, fox news. >> bret: we will talk about president obama's energy policy and how it will play in the election when the fox all-stars join me after the break. ♪
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for generations, recognizes that some technologies are going to work, some won't.
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some companies will fail. some companies will succeed. as long as i'm president, we will not walk away from the promise of clean energy. >> the president complains about the oil industry getting a tax break. the amount of money he wastes on whacky ideas dwarfs the oil industry. things like solyndra they just throw the money away because they're not practical. >> bret: president obama travelling out to nevada today. cubling down on federal investment in solar power saying it's important for the future. the company he was at today does employ fewer than a dozen full-time employees. despite getting federal help. the president said it's about an all of the above approach to energy. bring in the panel. steve hayes, senior writer for the standard. mary kathryn hamm of daily caller. david rucker for roll call. what about the president's pitch and how it's going? >> i don't know that it's going well. it's a problematic issue for him. he is in a little bit of a
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box. philosophically, we saw this in the 2008 campaign going forward, he doesn't necessarily believe in expensive drilling for fossil fuel. it's just not where he is. it's not where he thinks the country needs to go. >> he touts an expansion of production in his presidency. >> he does that because the gas prices are high. american public is not sold on solar and wind as a substitute for fossil fuels. we are not there. we are a long way from being there. trying to balance the two things. er you know, i think we will find out over time if he is able to do that. it depends, do fas bryces stay high or do they go down -- do gas prices stay high or do they go down? we'll see how it plays out for him. >> despite the fact that the president is a good talker, a great supporter is not convincingly to take the show on the road. he has done it on many issues. it does not turn the voters around. not sure on this it will do that.
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he has got the issue we have huge loans that went out through the department of energy and stimulus that failed demonstrably, the fis fisker automobile failed on the track in "consumer reports" testing and we have given millions of dollars to them. the priorities don't look like they are in the right spot. people respond to that and hurts them at the pump. >> bret: secretary of energy steven chu on capitol hill says he deserves an "a" for the effort to keep gas prices low and using the tools at their disposal. he is talking about the solar energy on the stump. he will have an appearance tomorrow, steve, in oklahoma. about oil. and completing a part of the keystone pipeline. >> you know, some of the statements coming from the administration these days are just head-shakers. the claim by steven chu that he deserves an "a" in spite of everything we have seen. the president has all of the
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above energy strategy when he denied the most studied pipeline in history of the united states. after the state studied for three years. it doesn't make sense. counter-factual claims. this is a big policy dispute. legitimate policy dispute. on one hand, people on the political left, environmental left that believe what we need to do is a lower demand. there are two ways for lower demand. boost the alternative, which is administration has done to no end. starting with the stimulus to continue through today. or you can raise the prices. the administration is ambivalent when it matters for the president re-election. the president is pretending to be something that he hasn't been. you have the administration making claims now, counter to policies they pursue because most of america, voters especially in the face of $4 gas, would agree with what the environmental left argued.
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if steven chu says what he said four years ago in september of 2008 we need to raise gas prices here to the levels of europe, that would get a standing ovation at the green peace convention. or leftist organizations. most people in america, however, are troubled by that. particularly again in the face of the prices. >> it's interesting because he is at copper mountain, which did get tax incentive. it's not one of the giant doe stimulus loans. there is a recognition that they can't be near those kind of places that shoots a hole in his plan to quadruple down on the things. >> bret: one of the things that the president and the advisors say, at all of the events is a particular line that jim angle had a piece about today. >> as a country that has 2% of the world's oil reserves, but uses 20% of the world's oil, i am going to repeat that. we have 2% of the world oil
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reserve. we use 20%. >> we have vast oil and natural gas reserve in the united states. we can compete with anyone if we had the political will to put together a sound long-term energy policy. you take three states. utah, wyoming and colorado. those three states alone hold enough oil shale to exceed the reserve of what saudi arabia holds today. >> bret: this is accurate but the experts jim talked to said misleading because it deals with the proven reserves as opposed to what is untapped and believed to be in the u.s. >> that is correct. if we had the political will, we could exploit a lot more of what we have. i think this country has been schizophrenic in terms of its willingness to pursue that. years ago, not that long ago when a republican senate tried to get through drilling in
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anwar it was blocked by the democrats. the country yawned. no pay back or push back or backlash for the democratic party. for blocking drilling in anwar. we talk all the time about drilling off the east coast. drilling off the west coast. with people who live there, people who live in florida, east coast, gulf coast. they don't want drilling off the coast. people want cheap gas. until there is a human cry if ever, to start going after the resources we have. the government won't do it. the democrats and others who feel opposed to it will feel emboldened to keep opposing it because they don't believe they will pay a political price. they haven't yet. >> republicans are running on this now. they sense vulnerability here, steve. >> no question about it. mitt romney wasn't talking about this a lot. two months ago is mentioning this every speech and interview.
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santorum takes shale with him everywhere he goes. no question that the republicans see vulnerability. the white house understands that vulnerability. you are seeing the white house scram to believe send president to the places where he can tout himself as somebody pursuing all of the above strategy. >> they are hurting on this. they want to take credit for the keystone, part of that it will go -- >> bret: explain that. for people who don't understand how a pipeline can work. part of the pipeline. >> a bottleneck of sorts in oklahoma that you can get the part. you can get it moving. he will take credit for it because he did not stop it. which is an interesting attack when he could have allowed a giant pipeline. we would have had more reserves. >> bret: next up, presidential race. big endorsement. and etch-a-sketch.
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>> bret: this is fox news alert. we're getting reports from greg palkot that assault has begun where they are holding off the french riot police most of the day. a man identifying himself affiliateed with al-qaeda is suspected of seven murders in the region. we will bring greg live from france. we're following that. top of the fox report if nothing happens between now and then. we're back with the panel talking about today on the campaign trail. >> i think he hit a reset button for the fall campaign. like an etch-a-sketch you can
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shake it up and start all over again. >> inted of making -- instead of making pledges in stone, romney pledge is on etch- etch-a-sketch. this should remind everyone why they are worried about a romney presidency and capped dassy. it makes you -- capped dassy. it makous wonder about this. >> primary is over. you will see a different mitt romney. we knew that. they had the courage to admit what we all knew. >> rick santorum and newt gingrich are on the trail with actual etch-a-sketches. talking to people in campaign events. this is on a day when the romney campaign was supposed to be touting a big win in illinois and big endorsement. jeb bush released a statement. primary elections have been held in 34 states. now is the time for the republicans to unight behind governor romney. take our message of fiscal conservative and job creation to all voters this fall. i'm endorsing romney for the
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party nomination. it got so intense, late in day romney had to talk to reporters. >> an election campaign takes on a different profile. issues will be the same. i am a conservative republican. i will hopefully be a conservative nominee for president. policy and the positions are the same. >> bret: what about this? is this just crazy because we're at this point in the campaign or does the etch-a-sketch scratch an i for the anti-mitt romney voters? >> romney has a commanding league in delegate count. it's heading in his direction. but this is a gaffe like unlike the fake gaffes we have seen throughout the process this strikes me as a real gaffe.
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>> you understand what he was trying to say. the primary is over and we'll concentrate on president obama. but the context of the question, the question was about whether romney would be dragged too far to the right by newt gingrich and rick santorum. the romney campaign has been so focused beyond anything else to allow him to be called a flip-floper. this was his problem in 2008. they have been attuned to it like nothing else. the problem is this reinforces the caricature. that is the way people thought of him. a main charge that santorum and gingrich made against him. like the poor comment that reinforced the idea that he is wealthy and may be out of touch -- >> bret: that was after the nevada win. >> right. this is why it matters and why it stays for a while. >> in fact, the campaign has done so much to prevent that
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flip-floper kind of narrative that you know, in part it's why many people believe he is holding so firmly on the romneycare. and defending it. he could have easily at the beginning of the process said you know what? maybe i made a mistake. but he didn't. what about this? >> if you mix nostalgia and the 24-hour news cycle, it's gone viral. the problem, the question was about ideology. had the question not been about ideology there would have been a problem but not to this extent. it is one sentence and i don't want to blow it up but it's a pattern that romney camp steps on its own victory making mistakes like this. this has the image has cultural generation to review what etch-a-sketch. is that's problematic. >> bret: santorum campaign
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was handing out etch-a-sketches to the crowd in the afternoon events. >> no doubt, this is not what the romney campaign wanted to talk about today. clearly, the problem they are experiencing is well deserved. that is the wrap on their candidate. that is a fact of life. however, i don't think it rises to the gaffe level that the very poor comment did and other things. the candidate didn't say it. that is helpful. number two, i think this is not the kind of thing that can or will really come back to haunt him in a general election. the way some of the other thing he is has said can and will. i think outside of our circle as much as everybody understands etch-a-sketch. i agree with you on that. most voters i don't think will get wrapped up in this. the way they with other things. why this is problematic, as you said, jeb bush endorses and he comes off a huge victory. all he needs to be talking about is basically, i'm the nominee and this is another day he squanders an opportunity to do that. >> bret: although, the
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democrats desperately want himto be included. rick santorum and gingrich were obviously on the trail holding etch-a-sketches and the dnc released this late today. >> planned parenthood, going to get rid of that. >> i was a severely conservative governor. ♪ ♪ >> bret: something tells me it's an ad we'll see again. >> i think it does stay. remember, president obama never actually said leading from behind. that is something that one of his staff said anonymously to a "new yorker" reporter and here it is, everybody talking about it all the time. problem with the dnc ad, mitt romney has not, i don't think run to the right in this primary. even though dnc suggests he has. the proper answer to question as it's been posed, why have you been dragged to the right? he hasn't.
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we have run as relative, republican candidate. tax reform proposal. terribly bold? it's fine. none of these issues, with the exception of immigration has he been to the far right. as the dnc suggests. >> etch-a-sketch stimulus when the report comes out. >> bret: sales will be up. that is it for the panel. stay tuned for recap of a celebration this past weekend. . [ male announcer ] even if you think you can live with your old mattress... ask me how i've never slept better. [ male announcer ] ...why not talk to one of the 6 million people who've switched to the most highly recommended bed in america? it's not a sealy, a simmons, or a serta. ask me about my tempur-pedic. ask me how i can finally sleep all night. ask me how great my back feels every morning. [ male announcer ] did you know there's a tempur-pedic for everybody?
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>> bret: it's time now to reveal our infinitied-sponsored text to voted results. we asked you which presidential candidate has the most intriguing spouse. 16% newt gingrich. 7 percent said ron paul. 56 percent said mitt romney and 21 percent said rick
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santorum. thank you for your votes. we had more than 6,000 of them tonight. finally tonight, over the weekend. across the country. many people took part in saint patrick's day celebrations. the president was no exception. he made a stop at a local pub just down the block from here. on this saint patrick's day president obama stops in for a pint irish bar in our nation's capital. would commander and chief showed up dub bler. he took patrons, guinness and enjoyed a little show. however, the crowd really went wild when the first lady and hillary clinton joined him on stage. >> look at hillary. >> thanks for inviting us into your home tonight. that's it for this "special report," fair, balanced and unafraid. "special report" online starts in a few seconds. you will hear from our winner tonight. an romney. captions by closed captioning services